The Fisherman and the Sea
The Fisherman and the Sea is our first project, released on Android and iOS platforms.
The world of No-Lens has drowned and with it went the land, people, and stories that came before. Now many ages have passed and those that survived have done so clustered together on disparate islands. Venturing from an island is a thing of taboo, only for pirates and the foolhardy. The Fisherman, however, has grown up on the sea and is the captain of his own dinky rustboat that he uses for fishing and the occasional ferry service for the brave islander. The player will take control of the Fisherman as they set out to explore this dreary drowned world and restore the joy of adventure across the seas…

Fish, sail, and explore a world sunken into the waves. Seek out ancient ruins, escape pirate patrols, and, of course, fish up all manner of strange sea creatures. The Fisherman and the Sea is a 2D exploration game were you get to explore the world of No-lens and its many islands the way you want. Uncover the mystery of its creation and help the islanders that call this world their home.